THE Academy

The thoroughbred racehorse industry is Australia’s third biggest industry and employs over 75,000 people and generates $5 billion per year to the Federal Economy. The aim of the Academy is to provide early integrated learning for all future participants across all aspects of the industry.

For many years, Steve has dreamt of creating a thoroughbred training centre that focuses on the horses and the people. He has spent time inspecting training facilities in other racing jurisdictions worldwide, such as Changi, Singapore and Dubai.

The programs offered by The Silverdale Academy are a culmination of wide-ranging formal education and training resources and contributions from many visionary industry leaders looking to improve industry participant training and knowledge.

“The Silverdale Academy was founded in 2021 by Silverdale Farm’s Steve Grant. “

Equine Leadership Program

Three day workshop

The Silverdale Academy will be offering Workshops for Emerging Leaders in the Equine Industry. This course has been developed to address leadership priorities, communication and team dynamics in the thoroughbred racing and breeding industry.

This course is a face-to-face workshops program supported by webinar tutorials, providing opportunity for discovery, interaction, reflection and mastery in supervision and leadership.

Intern Program

Six-week program (five online, one practical) 

The Silverdale Academy Intern Program provides enthusiastic students the opportunity to participate in an immersive six-week learning experience. The program outcomes are designed to introduce students to the career opportunities within the breeding, racing or other sectors of the horse industry. A five-week online theory component is delivered via Connected Classroom, followed by one week on the farm.

School Visits

One day excursion and one week internship

The Silverdale Academy in partnership with RIEP (Regional Industry Education Partnerships) provides the opportunity for secondary schools to host single-day excursions to Silverdale Farm, in the NSW Southern Highlands. 

RIEP connect employers and secondary schools to learn about jobs and pathways to employment. They develop new skills and employer networks, allowing them to make informed decisions about their career pathways. Employers have the opportunity to educate students about their industry and actively participate in the development of talent pipelines. 

Contact us, or your school careers advisor, if you are interested in providing your students with a tour. 


The Silverdale Academy is now assisting Intern Graduates with employment opportunities under traineeships in the Thoroughbred industry. Our interns are now transitioning into work across a diverse network of businesses in the Industry. If you would like to partner with the Silverdale Academy and offer the graduates work experience or an internship, get in touch through the link below.


For students interested in studying farm husbandry and horticulture, The Silverdale Academy’s Horticulture Program provides an effective and hands-on opportunity for study.

We are always looking to take on Trainees following completion of their studies.

“The Silverdale Academy was founded in 2021 by Silverdale Farm’s Steve Grant. “

Upcoming Opportunities

Silverdale Spring Intern Program

For more details contact:

Silverdale Summer Intern Program

For more details contact:

Equine Leadership Program

For more details contact:

High School Programs - Bus Tours and 1 Week Internship

For more details contact:



For more information on any of The Silverdale Academy courses or to apply, please use the Contact Us form below or email:


Current opportunities are listed on this page. Alternatively, please email your application to:

The Silverdale Academy encourage early learning in the industry and Thoroughbred Breeders Australia have a great online free learning resource for people who are new to the industry, want to join the industry or want to learn the basic skills and knowledge required to breed and raise happy, healthy and fast horses.

If you are thinking of undertaking the Silverdale Academy Intern program, this resource can provide you with a basic horse handling knowledge.

Start your journey on Horse Handling Course